Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Guilt? Heck no!

Has anyone out there been experiencing a little non-locavorism guilt? Have your schedule and lack of planning lead you to closet candybar eating?? Well, heck, that's life right?!?! Remember that the point of this challenge is to make us aware of what we eat, how it got to our table (or closet), and how that affects the world around us. So go ahead and eat that candybar in the open my friend! But--take a second to find out where that baby came from, and think about a local alternative for your next food emergency! Happy (guilt-free) eating :)

1 comment:

Dr. J said...

howdee! i must confess that my best intentions to do better than i was before have fallen by the wayside. I didn't order local flour, and I haven't toiled over my own pasta. But all veggies and fruits and dairy are local. Oops, with the exception of my morning dose of OJ! I agree, though, that the idea is to challenge YOURSELF, as one of my yoga dvd's says, thoughtfully and compassionately. Do whatever you can on a daily basis, and know that even attempting to eat something local is starting you on a path to more mindfulness:) At least, this is what I tell myself!