Monday, September 22, 2008

Locavore Challenge to begin September 24th!

The Locavore Challenge begins this Wednesday, September 24 and lasts until Wednesday October 8!

We're having a few fun events:

Kick-Off snack, recipe swap, and conversation: Wednesday, September 24, at 5:30 in the Commons.

Local Lunches at the Blue Devil Grill, to include grilled cheese sandwiches and brats: Wednesday October 1 and Wednesday, October 8 at the Blue Devil Grill.

Potluck Celebration, bring your favorite local food dish to pass, your own plate and silverware (to be green), and your recipe. The event will include special surprises, local vendors, and a recipe contest with super green prizes that will be posted on the Blue Devils Go Green Blog beforehand! Wednesday, October 8, 6:30 in the Commons.

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